Apexart Gallery New York..and the winners are....
Friday 8th January 2021
Dear Pauline,
Thank you for participating as a juror in the NYC Open Call. We received 450 eligible proposals from 90 countries, which were voted on by an international panel of over 400 jurors from many disciplines. In addition to many individuals, 23 university classes and 3 specialized high school classes participated as class activity. Jurors were asked to read at least 50 anonymous submissions. Over 16,000 votes were cast to determine the winning four proposals that will become apexart Exhibitions in the 2021-2022 season in NYC.
The winning proposals are:
Recontarnos Rewriting Us curated by La Revuelta.
A Thousand Secrets curated by Mae. A. Miller.
Trans Dance Revolution curated by After Party Collective.
Oh, I Love Brazilian Women curated by Luiza Testa.